Christy & The Moon Tide Collective

The Moon Tide Collective is a fluid global South ecosystem of feminist consultants

We bring knowledge and expertise from local social justice movements to current organisational challenges and projects. We are writers, researchers, strategists, illustrators, campaigners, movers, embodied practitioners and facilitators who are diverse in locality, perspective and professional strengths, and who share a common work ethic and enthusiasm for visibilising and manifesting social justice realities. The Collective is managed by Christy Alves Nascimento – learn more about her below:

Christy Alves Nascimento

Christy is a South African feminist with eight years’ experience supporting justice-driven organisations. Politically, her analysis of global contexts brings an intersectional feminist perspective informed by her work with grassroots and community organising in South Africa.

Practically, she owes the energy of her work to her tendency to infuse into it embodied practices of collaboration, collective care and play. Key skills include research and writing, feminist evaluation, and designing methodologies for inclusive participation and facilitation in multi-takeholder engagement spaces.

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